The Grand Mattress called the circle to order: Run report: TURKEY SLAP, the serial run reporter, described our trek up Stanton road, the climb up the lantana encrusted goat track, the halt at the top to resuscitate all those hashers over the age of 26, the continuation of the climb up past the lantana encased houses which have a life span of three years between bush fires, then down the steepest driveway in the Southern hemisphere. Everyone was pooped at this stage, even WAIT A WHILE who was trying to win on to BUGGERED said “bollocks to this darlin’ you’re on your own” A drink stop, thank fuck, out of the lantana, gave us all a chance to recuperate. PIANISIMO had to retrieve his car keys that he left in the ignition. (there’s a lesson to be learned there) A short run, on the flat, and on the tar, got us home to the second steepest driveway in the Southern Hemisphere Score: 2/10 Charges from the run: GOANNA was charged for: not wearing the garment. SUPER was charged with: not throwing the hares keys into the Wait a while TWO FATHERS: for having his tee shirt on backwards OOPs was charged with: tripping in the wait a while and blocking the trail for 10 minutes. FARCANAL was charged with: Not walking BUSHMAN: For getting lost….in Duffy WAIT A WHILE was charged with holding everyone up GERBILS: For Tippity Top Secret trail calling THE OWNER was charged with driving in the circle FUCKIT and ANIMAL were charged with returning again. PRISCILLA was welcomed as a virgin HELMET gave the shorts to: TWO UP for Blatant and inexcusable POLITENESS PIMP gave the ordinary prick to: WAIT A WHILE to top off a great evening The Little prick went to CRASH and BURN The Big prick went to: CRASH and BURN The PPP went to: PP DANGLES 95 PARTY PIE 268 TENANT DAN 5 Notes by McTrash These notes, whilst being ever so slightly embellished, are a fair, reasonable and only record of the nights events. However, any similarity between these notes and what actually happened remains coincidental.